Algorithms for animating AllRGB images
AllRGB is a really cool challenge: make an image that contains each of the 16777216 RGB colors exactly once.
I wrote a HTML canvas-based visualization of an AllRGB image being created. It uses several space-filling curves in 2D and 3D.
I made a demo of this at /projects/allrgb and the source is on GitHub.
Mapping cubes and planes to a line
My goal: traverse the RGB cube and also traverse the square pixel plane in an interesting way. In other words, create a list of 2563 unique 3D coordinates (representing 24-bit RGB colors) and a list of 40962 unique 2D coordinates (representing pixel locations).
I chose these traversal algorithms:
- Cube traversal
- Depth-first search (3D DFS)
- Serpentine (3D)
- Plane traversal
- Moore curve (a variant of the Hilbert curve)
- Depth-first search (2D DFS)
- Serpentine (2D)
Example: Serpentine
Serpentine traversal is the simplest traversal algorithm I had. Note that it is not a space filling 'curve': it jumps after finishing a row, so it's not continuous.
Pseudocode for plane traversal
y = 0
while y < 4096:
x = 0
while x < 4096:
print (x, y)
x = x + 1
y = y + 1
RGB cube traversal is a bit more interesting. While this can be implemented this as three nested loops, an easier solution is to convert the input number to hexadecimal.
// converts an integer n from [0..16777215] into the corresponding hex color (#RRGGBB)
function getColor(n) {
return '#' + n.toString(16).padStart(6, '0');
Example: Moore curve
This was the most interesting traversal algorithm I did. The Moore curve is a space-filling fractal, the loop variant of the Hilbert curve.
It can be represented as a Lindenmayer rewrite system:
- Variables:
- Constants:
- Axiom:
- Production rules:
If you apply these rules recursively to the axiom, you get a set of instructions for moving a turtle. The instructions are string of constants where each character has the following meaning:
: draw at current location and move forward in current direction+
: turn right 90°-
: turn left 90°
This is a recursive function to generate L-system instructions:
function generateInstructions(level) {
if (level === 0) { // base case
// return axiom to start the instructions
return 'LFL+F+LFL';
// recursive case
let instructions = generateInstructions(level - 1);
// replace 'L's and 'R's with their respective production rules
// 'X' is a temporary variable representing the original Ls
return instructions.replace(/L/g, 'X')
.replace(/R/g, '+LF-RFR-FL+')
.replace(/X/g, '-RF+LFL+FR-');
After cleaning up the final instructions, you get this:
> // clean up the instructions by replacing useless parts like +-, -+, R, and L
> generateInstructions(3).replace(/(\-\+)|(\+\-)|R|L/g, '')
To traverse the full pixel plane, I needed an instruction set with exactly 40962 = 16777216 'draw' instructions. (There is an implicit F
at the beginning of the instruction set, so I actually needed 16777215 F
s.) The following table shows that I needed to recurse 11 times for this.
Recursion Level | instructions.length | Num of F s |
0 | 9 | 3 |
1 | 49 | 15 |
2 | 209 | 63 |
3 | 849 | 255 |
4 | 3409 | 1023 |
5 | 13649 | 4095 |
6 | 54609 | 16383 |
7 | 218449 | 65535 |
8 | 873809 | 262143 |
9 | 3495249 | 1048575 |
10 | 13981009 | 4194303 |
11 | 55924049 | 16777215 |
Strategy design pattern
This was intended to be a quick project, so I would have normally made each of the traversers into a function in script.js
, but I wanted to organize my code better. It made the most sense to separate out the code for the traversers, so I decided to use the strategy design pattern.
Each of the traversers (both cube and plane) has a very similar interface. They need a function to return their name and another to return the next traversed value.
Strategy design pattern code:
// Interface for Traverser strategy
class Traverser {
constructor(LEVEL, CANVAS_GRID_SIZE) {/* */}
getName() {/* */}
*generator() {/* */}
// Maps names to strategies
const traversers = {
plane: {
'serpentine': SerpentinePlane,
'moore': MoorePlane,
'dfs': DepthFirstSearchPlane,
cube: {
'serpentine': SerpentineCube,
'dfs': DepthFirstSearchCube,
'hsl': HslCube,
// ...
// Creates new objects, representing traversal strategies
const planeTraverser = new traversers.plane['moore'](level, gridSize);
const cubeTraverser = new traversers.cube['dfs'](level, gridSize);
JavaScript generators
I initially implemented all my traversers as plain functions, but that had a lot of messy recalculation and non-local variables. Then I learned about a fancy newish feature in JavaScript called generators. Generators are well supported in modern browsers, so I felt safe using them in my project.
Using generators made my code more memory-efficient and cleaner.
Example of plane traverser using a generator:
// Generator that returns an RGB color
function* serpentine() {
for (let n = 0; n < 16777216; n++) {
yield "#" + n.toString(16).padStart(6, "0");
// ...
let planeTraverser = serpentine();; // {value: "#000000", done: false}; // {value: "#000001", done: false}
Moore plane + DFS cube is my favorite.
DFS plane | Moore plane | Serpentine plane | |
DFS cube | |||
Serpentine cube |
- Demo: /projects/allrgb
- Source: GitHub